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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.

Working with the Foundation of Light

 Today, in assembly, we were visited by Sarah from the Foundation of light. First we played the bean game. We were challenged to be quick beans for a Monday morning wake up.  

After Easter Sarah will be delivering a Family Learning Course in school.  She will be discussing learning, health and sport.  For the second half hour children will play games in the hall with their families.  There will be opportunities to go to a Sunderland game. The finale will be a graduation day at the Stadium of Light where the children will be able to run out of the tunnel like a pro footballer. 

If you would like to take part, please complete the form that will be coming home tonight and return it to school as soon as possible before the holidays.

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