We promote social and emotional development in Geography by...
- Group work - discussions and field work etc. (British Value: Individual Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Exposure to and understand various cultures/races. (British Value: Individual liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Listening to and respecting other peoples’ opinions. (British Value: Democracy Individual liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Self and peer assessment enables focused feedback between students encouraging support and reflection on how to improve. (British Value: Democracy Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Questions and debates encourage children to cooperate and resolve conflict. E.g. Climate change discussions. (British Value: Democracy Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Positive contributions - climate change, looking after our environment both locally and globally. (British Value: Individual Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
We promote moral development in Geography by...
- Understanding different viewpoints based on culture and personal interests. (British Value: Democracy Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Considering physical topics such as rivers, flooding and coasts and consideration is given to how much these issues are man-made and because of exploitation.
- Impact of human development on the physical world promotes debate and the role of humans and how ethical our actions are. (British Value: Democracy and Individual Liberty)
- Embedded climate change learning and climate resilience throughout all year groups - understanding the part they play in our world. (British Value: Rule of Law and Individual Liberty)
- Listening to and respecting other people's opinions. (British Value: Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Opportunities for debates promote children taking on different roles in decision making processes which help develop empathy and appreciate the opinions of others. (British Value: Democracy, Individual Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance)