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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Our latest Ofsted report has been punblished please follow the link in Key Informtion / Ofsted and Performance Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.

Attendance and morning opening times

Our free Breakfast Club opens at 8:15am, with the last entry at 8:30am.  Children enter school for breakfast club via their main entrance.


Children who do not want to have breakfast in school need to enter school via the main entrance from 8:45am, ready for registration at 9:55am.  


Children arriving before these times need to be supervised by a family member, for safeguarding reasons, as school is not yet open to pupils. It is also important for your safety, that you do not use the school driveway. Please use the footpath around the school perimeter.

Morning registration is at 8:55am. It is important that your child is in school for registration and the beginning of the morning lessons. Being 10 minutes late may not seem a big deal, but it adds up to a lot of missed learning time over the academic year. 


A child who regularly arrives at 9:05am misses: 


  • 10 min learning per day and has missed the first bit of teaching by the time they get into the classroom
  • 50 min per week
  • 32 hours over the school year


If you are having problems getting your child into school on time, please contact Miss Mason and she will support you with the morning transition into school for your child. 


We follow Durham County Council Procedures when a child is absent from school as this is a Safeguarding concern. If your child is not able to come into school please let the school office know before 9am.  We will contact you if your child is absent and we have not heard from you. Should we have concerns for your child we will contact the Police to request a 'Welfare Call' to your home. 


Further information about attendance procedures, when your child is permitted to stay off school and help and support information can be found in the Attendance Policy below. 

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