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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

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Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


Key Staff

Coordinator: Mrs Nixon

Governor: Mr Shields


St Francis' Languages Curriculum


Languages are an integral part of the curriculum. Learning a language is ‘a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures’. It helps to equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It encourages pupils to appreciate and celebrate difference. The languages curriculum should also provide the foundation for learning further languages. It should enable pupils to study and work in other countries. In doing this, the languages curriculum has a potential positive impact on business and the economy. (Research Review June, 2021) 



St Francis' French Curriculum


We have planned what we want children to know by the end of each year group. This enables children to learn, practise and develop their French knowledge and skills ready for the Year 7 curriculum. The knowledge and skills we want children to know are set out below. 



Year 3  

Year 4  

Year 5  

Year 6  

Key Skills: I can… 


Getting Started – Autumn 1 

I can say and write a greeting and a farewell in French. 

I can ask and answer the question “How are you?” 

I can say “My name is...” and ask, “What’s your name?” 

I can say some numbers between 0 and 10. 

I can remember and write some numbers between 0 – 10. 

I can say some colours in French. 

The calendar and celebrations – Autumn 2 

I can say some colours linked to Autumn and fireworks. 

I can understand classroom commands. 

I can say the days of the week in French. 

I can remember the days of the week. 

I can understand the months of the year. 

I can remember some months. 

Animals I like and don’t like – spring 1 

I can understand some animal nouns in French. 

I can ask the question “What is it?” and say an animal noun as an answer. 

I can tell someone what my favourite animal is. 

I can recognise some animal nouns in the plural. 

I can listen and join in with a story about animals. 

I can use a model to write sentences about animals I see, when I walk to school. 

Carnival Time – Spring 2 

I can learn about French traditions and take part in a carnival celebration.  

I can say and write numbers between 1 and 15. 

I can ask and answer “How old are you?” in French. 

I can take part in a simple dialogue about myself using familiar questions and answers. 

I can read and write dates in French. 

I can use and understand Easter related vocabulary.  
Fruit, vegetables, the hungry giant story – Summer 1 

I can understand and say fruit and vegetable nouns. 

I can count fruits and vegetables in French. 

I can understand and enjoy a story about fruits and vegetables. 

I can ask politely for an item. I can remember fruit and vegetable nouns to play a board game. 

I can write sentences using a model. 

Going on a picnic/Aliens in France - Summer 2 

I can name and label food and drink items to take on a picnic. 

I can listen to, read and understand a picnic story. 

I can write phrases to build my own picnic story. 

I can understand familiar vocabulary and use the phrase “I live”. 

I can ask the question “Where do you live?” and understand the answer. 

Welcome to School Super Learners – Autumn 1 

I can ask and answer several questions. 

I can recall 0-10 and some classroom instructions. 

I can say and read numbers 10-20. 

I can recall the days and the months. 

I can say and write the names of rooms in school. 

I can understand, say and write some classroom nouns. 

My local area, our local area – Autumn 2 

I can write my own fireworks poem. 

I can read and understand some useful commands. 

I can say and understand classroom instructions and commands. 

I can recognise and say places in town. 

I can ask “Where is...?” and classify nouns (masculine/feminine). 

I can identify and name shops in French. 

Family tree and faces – Spring 1 

I can make links between sounds and spellings and talk about some Epiphany traditions in France. 

I can say the French nouns for 4 family members. 

I can write some personal information about a family member. 

I can understand and say some nouns for parts of the face. 

I can understand some simple sentences using numbers and parts of the face. 

I can write some simple sentences to describe an alien. 

Face and body parts – Spring 2 

I can say nouns for parts of the face and body. 

I can understand and respond to face and body part nouns and commands.  

I can understand and respond to face and body part nouns and commands. 

I can join in and create a yoga session. 

I can name the plural of face and body parts’ nouns. 

I can create an alien and write a simple description. 

I don’t feel well/Walking thru’ the jungle – Summer 1 

I can remember pars of body and explain why I don’t feel well/what hurts. 

I can take part in a roleplay dialogue at the doctors. 

I can understand and name jungle animals in French. 

I can understand adjectives to describe jungle animals in a story. 

I can write a sentence using a noun, a verb and adjectives to describe animals. 

I can write my own jungle explorer’s story. 

The weather/ice cream – Summer 2 

I can say different weather statements in French. 

I can describe the weather in different seasons of the year. 

I can say simple phrases to give the weather forecast. 

I can understand and name ice cream flavours. 

I can talk about ice creams I love, like and dislike. 

Talking about us - Autumn 1 

I can introduce myself with simple sentences. 

I can introduce myself with simple sentences, including a variety of feeling phrases. 

I can explain in more detail how I am feeling.  

I can use pronouns to talk about someone else. 

I can name school subjects and say which ones I like/dislike. 

I can give my opinion about subjects. 

In the city – Autumn 2 

I can understand some facts about a city in French. 

I can give some simple directions around a town or city. 

I can ask for a ticket. 

I can say and write a simple description of a city. 

I can buy an item and ask the price. 

I can describe a festive jumper. 

Healthy eating and going to the market – Spring 1 

I can recall nouns for fruits and vegetables, and identify the gender of the nouns. 

I can talk and write about fruits and vegetables. 

I can take part in a class survey about favourite fruits and vegetables. 

I can recall and use numbers 0-100 and ask prices for fruits and vegetables. 

I can participate in a simple shopping dialogue at a market. 

I can understand and use some simple recipe instructions. 

Clothes – Spring 2 

I can understand and name some items of clothing in French. 

I can identify parts of the very “porter” to talk about what I am wearing. 

I can describe clothes I am wearing using adjectives of colour. 

I can describe clothes I am writing using more adjectives. 

I can understand a detailed description of a fancy-dress outfit. 

I can design and describe a football/sports kit. 

Out of this world – Summer 1 

I can understand words used on an ID card. 

I can ask and answer questions about someone’s identity. 

I can name planets in French and use adjectives to describe them. 

I can read and understand simple information about planets. 

I can recall and use familiar vocabulary to understand simple information about planets. 

I can create an imaginary planet and make a poster with information about it. 

Going to the seaside – Summer 2 

I can understand the nouns for items I take to the beach. 

I can recall some sentence starters and use them to talk about the seaside. 

I can understand and say persuasive sentences about visiting the seaside. 

I can create extended sentences about visiting the seaside. 

I can read and understand facts about the seaside. 

Everyday life - Autumn 1 

I can recall phrases to talk about myself and my feelings. 

I can give a simple description about myself. 

I can remember and use numbers between 0 and 0. 

I can understand o’clock time phrases in French. 

I can talk about my daily routine. 

I can answer questions about my daily routine 

House and home – Autumn 2 

I can understand and say some nouns for rooms in a house. 

I can understand and pronounce accurately some nouns for objects in a house. 

I can use adjectives to describe rooms in a house. 

I can say and write a sequence of sentences to tell a story. 

I can understand new nouns and use them to play a game. 

I can use prepositions to say where things are. 
Playing and enjoying sport – Spring 1 

I can understand and remember some sports nouns in French. 

I can talk about sports I like and dislike. 

I can create extended sentences about sports including an opinion. 

I can identify parts of the verb to play “jouer”. 

I can describe a sport using simple sentences. 

At the funfair/My favourite things – Spring 2 

I can understand funfair ride nouns and say which ones I like/dislike. 

I can remember funfair vocabulary and play a board game. 

I can describe funfair rides using adjectives. 

I can plan and describe a theme park. 

I can talk about my favourite things. 

I can learn about the French tradition of “poisson d’avril”. 

Cafe culture – Summer 1 

I can learn some fact about café culture in France. 

I can say and write what food and drink I like/dislikle and ask someone else for likes and dislikes. 

I can ask for some food and drink politely. 

I can name and identify some traditional French breakfast foods and drinks. I can write a simple sentence about my breakfast. 

I can create and describe a hotel breakfast menu. 

I can take part in a café role-play and wite a conversation. 

Performance/Transition to KS3 - Summer 2 

I can read and understand a humorous sketch. 

I can adapt a model and wite my own café sketch. 

I can take part in a performance of a café sketch. 

I can remember fruit and vegetable nouns. 

I can understand nouns to do with nature/or to do with the classroom and take part in a scavenger hunt. 


Educating for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

From April 2023, we have a focus on ensuring we have a wide range of persepctives in our curriculum so we can educate in a way that is inclusive of the viewpoints of a wide range of protected characteristics. This is a long-term journey and we are starting by ensuring the identity of individuals studied are explicitly taught. 

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