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Activity 5 - A Recipe For Success at University

Activity 5 - A Recipe for Success!


Activity 5 will continue to develop our thinking about what degree subject we might like to study at University in the future. We are going to use the research we did in activity 4 to consider how we would complete the application process to become enrolled in a University degree. We will also think about how we will show Universities that we would make excellent University candidates by completing our own "Personal Statement". Personal Statements are used when applying for University, to show who you are, what skills you have and why you want to learn more about your chosen degree subject area. 


But before we start activity 5, you will need to complete the following task below ...


Pre-task research challenge:


1. Use the link below to find a list of 10 University subjects that you could study for your degree, that you haven't studied at school before.

2. Try to find subjects that you haven't heard of before or sound interesting.

3. Consider Universities that are close to Newton Aycliffe (Durham University, Newcastle University, Northumbria University, Teeside University, Sunderland University etc.) and whether they offer any degree subjects you have not heard of.  




Once you have navigated your way around the website, record your findings in a table like the one below. We have included one course for you. Try to include 10 new subjects you have found in your table. Consider whether these degree subjects sound like you might be interested in studying them or not, and record it in your table.


New Subject Which University  Would you like to study it ?
Engineering Durham University Yes!


Follow along with the video provided by The Brilliant Club to complete the tasks set below!

This information, advice and guidance session is aimed at KS2/KS3 pupils. It will give you an opportunity to think about the subjects and careers that might interest you in the future – you can choose anything you want!

Task 1: My Future Career


University isn't suitable for everyone, however one of the main reasons people go to University is to open new doors for our future - to help us achieve a great career in the future that we enjoy doing. Some careers (Doctor, Lawyer, Nursing, Vet etc.) require you to attend University. This is because, without University, you cannot gain the skills and knowledge required to do these jobs.


1. Write down some ideas you might have for jobs you might like to do in the future.


2. Use a highlighter or different coloured pen to note down next to these jobs whether you think you would be required to go to University to do these jobs. 


Task 2: Making a Future


When you apply to University you have to write a "personal statement" explaining why you think you would be a great University student and why you think you should be studying for a certain degree subject. 


Your task is to focus on one degree subject or career, (Teaching, Law, Sport Science, Vet, History, Doctor, Politics etc.) that you might like to study at University in the future. Using the format below, try to write a couple of sentences for each point. Make sure you have watched the YouTube video above provided by the Brilliant Club, for an idea of what your personal statement should look like.


REMINDER - this is a PERSONAL statement! That means that your personal statement will be different from other people's because you are a unique individual with your own thoughts. Be creative and try your best.


Try to include each of the following points in your personal statement ...


1. Introduction - Make sure to try to write a small introduction paragraph. In this paragraph you will need to include what subject you would like to study at University and why you are interested in this. You could also include a sentence on what career it could lead you to in the future. 


2. Skills - Skills that you have that would make you a good University candidate for your chosen degree subject. For example, good at solving problems, organised, confident speaker, good listener etc. Remember to include why you think these skills are important for studying at University for your chosen subject.


3. Academic Subjects - Write down which subjects you have studied at school that could be helpful when studying your degree at University. For example, Science could be helpful if you are studying Medicine at University, English could be important if you want to study Journalism, etc. 


4. Characteristics - Include what type of person you are and why you think this will help you in your chosen degree subject. For example, you could talk about being friendly and kind, how you like to help and support other people, how you are curious and like to find out information etc. Try to link these characteristics to the subject you would like to study - "I am passionate about helping others and caring for people, this would make me the great candidate to study Nursing". This is your chance to be creative!


5. Secret Ingredients - What makes you stand out from the crowd? This could include hobbies or clubs you take part in, (e.g. Dance clubs, Football, Gardening, Cookery, Computer) as well as any volunteering or work for charity you could have done. Use this section to show what you have done outside of the classroom to build up your confidence and experience. You could also include activities or hobbies you would like to do in the future - "When I am older I would like to do work experience in a school which will help me when studying to become a teacher". 


6. Interests - Use this section to talk about what subjects and activities you are really interested in and what you enjoy learning about. This could be anything! This could be either from your lessons inside of school, or things you might do at home. 


Need help? Here are some sentence starters you can use to write your perfect personal statement ...


  • I would like to study ............ when I am older because ....................
  • I really like this subject because ...................
  • I have lots of skills to study .................. such as ................... these would make me good at this subject because ...........................
  • I study ................. at school. This will help me be good at this career because .......................
  • I enjoy taking part in ............................ outside of school. I think this would help me at University because ...................
  • I think I am a ............................. type of person. This would help me study at University because ......................
  • I am interested in my ........................  lesson. This will be important for University study because ..........................

Task 3 - Reflecting on what we have done


Well done! You should have completed your personal statement. Once you have done this, consider the below ....


1. Share your personal statement with someone at home (parent, older sibling, carer). Did you persuade them you could study your subject at University?


2. Are there any other skills or characteristics you think you could add to improve your personal statement?


3. In your free time, continue to research different subjects you might like to study at University in the future as well as careers you would be interested working in.


4. Remember, you can change your mind about these things! You have a lot of time to decide what you want to do with your future. 



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