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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


Year 4


The children got to explore the Bible during a RE lesson in Summer term. The Bible is a collection of sacred books written by ancient prophets and historians. These authors recorded the relationship between God and His people for over 4,000 years. Their inspired words are what we know today as the Holy Bible. The children identified the differences and similarities of a few of the many published Bibles we have in school. They were very excited to learn that our own Reverend Jeff had his own version of the Bible which he has beautifully illustrated too. They discovered that the Bible is full of many books written by the disciples.

The Big Frieze!


The school began some amazing art in September! Learning about the ‘Big Frieze’, each class were given one out of 7 topics to expand and work on.

Year 3- The holy trinity

Year 4 - Creation

Year 5 - Kingdom of God

Year 6C - Salvation

Year 6P - The Gospel

This recapped all children's knowledge of previous taught lessons. What amazing children we have, we were so impressed at all the children's knowledge - well done!

We have also wrote prayers on love, trust and koinonia. These are our new three Christian Values in school and will be focusing a lot more on these values as the school year progresses.

These pieces of art will be displayed in school and St. Clares' church.



At the start of every term, the children compose and publish their own prayers. The children think about what is important to them and those around them keeping in mind the Christian Values in school. We then create a Prayer Book for each class and read from these as much as possible over the term. 

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