We promote social and emotional development in Computing by...
- Group work - Providing opportunities to work collaboratively developing respect for others ideas and opinions of others. Mutual Respect and Tolerance
- Children can use computing as a way to express themselves and to communicate ideas. Individual Liberty
- Children produce work that reflects the needs of different audiences within our community. Collaboration across the school - older children supporting the younger years within computing (Pre/Post Covid). (British Values: Mutual Respect and Tolerance individual Liberty)
- Peer and self-reflection embedded into lessons. (British Values: Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- Participate in annual events such as National Computing Week, Safer Internet Day, Anti-Bullying Week.
- Links through digital media services and through collaborations and competitions with other schools and communities.
- By discussing the impact of ICT on the ways people communicate and helping children express themselves clearly. (British Values: Mutual Respect and Tolerance Individual Liberty)
We promote moral development in Computing by...
- Teaching the importance of online safety. This is covered in each year group. (British Value: Rule of Law)
- To have time to reflect and debate on the possible consequences of different actions and situations e.g. violent computer games, access to the Internet. (British Value: Democracy and Individual Liberty)
- Participate in annual events such as National Computing Week, Safer Internet Day, Anti-Bullying Week (British Value: Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance, Rule of Law, Democracy)
- Ensuring the children have the knowledge and tools to report any instances of bullying, cyber-bullying and online safety issues. (British Value: Rule of Law)
- Children are encouraged to reflect on the use of social media. (British Value: Individual Liberty)
- Exploring the moral issues around data and sharing information and access to personal data. (British Value: Mutual Respect and Tolerance)
- By creating an awareness of; encouraging respect for and developing a tolerance of other people's views and opinions. (British Value: Individual Liberty)
- Develop the understanding of moral aspects of developments on technology such as speed cameras, AI, data/device tracking & CCTV.
- Manipulation of images by both companies and celebrities.