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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


Key Staff

Coordinator: Mrs Lakey

Governor: Mrs Ingram


St Francis' Relationship, Sex, Health and Citizenship Education (RSHCE) Curriculum

We follow the national curriculum for Relationship, Sex, Health and Citizenship Education as we believe that every child should access a full and balanced curriculum in line with the nation. 


As children grow and develop through their junior years we provide them with a safe space to learn about their bodies, emotions, relationships and how they can make a contribution to and cope with the challenges society may send their way in the future. Our curriculum includes theology and supports the children in identifying their strengths and shining their lights to help others develop their own self-identity and feelings of self-worth.


Our vision is to ensure every child is ready for Year 7 as confident individuals who have a strong sense of self-worth and many strategies they can rely on when they feel challenged. 


As a Church of England school we teach relationship, health and sex education using the KS2 science curriculum and Goodness and Mercy. We will also include relevant learning materials for issues our community is facing. 


Our long term plan is below for your information and team leaders make sure the newsletters outline what is being taught. Before puberty based learning we e-mail parents so you know that your child may come home asking you questions relating to puberty.


There is also a link to our school policy, the Goodness and Mercy learning outcomes and the Education Hub Blog. 


Should you wish to discuss any of the curriculum content please contact your child's teacher. 

St Francis' RSHCE Long Term Plan

Ceop Newsletters