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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

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Y3/4 (LKS2) P4C

ENQUIRY:  What if you could do what ever you wanted and get away with it?

With the get away with it ring (of invisibility) you can!



Ethical ideas involved in this discussion include:

mail  Doing good

mail  Being good

mail  Responsibility   

mail  Punishment 

mail  Praise

mail  Consequences

mail  Power

The Get Away With It Ring

Questions the teachers asked the children:


What would you do if you found the ring? Why?

If you won't be found out, should you do whatever you like?

What should you do? Why?

Are we only good because we are scared of being punished?

Are we only good because we want to be praised?

How would you feel if you acted badly without punishment?

What is a good person?

What are good rules?

What would be the right thing to do?

Are there different kinds of goods?

ENQUIRY:  Punishment

LKS2 P4C Punishment Teaching Stimulus

ENQUIRY:  A Recipe for Friendship


During the course of a P4C lesson, we took Year ¾ classes to complete an enquiry into friendship. This came about, through our own staff training, in which in small groups, we were asked to write instructions (similar to those of making a cake) on how to create a good friend. 


From this, staff decided that we would complete this will larger groups in which we would find out the children’s differences and similarities in thoughts about friendship. The children worked in groups to compile lists of components that are key in order to be a good friend.  The children then wrote their instructions in chalk on the floor, after clear discussions about how large/small a quantity they would require of each ingredient. 


The elements that the children picked up on were then discussed as a large group, which lead to a formulation of questions arising in order for another P4C lesson to be based around. 


Questions formulated were: 


Why is compassion needed in order to be a good friend?  

Do we always need to listen to each other? 

What would happen if there were different levels of components in different people? 

Follow-Up ENQUIRY:  Do we need to listen to each other?

We discussed the question above following the Friendship P4C session. Below are the pictures taken during our session. 

ENQUIRY:  Rights and Equality 

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