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"The SEN process is fast, helpful and I really feel involved. My child has improved." (Parent)
"He's come along in leaps and bounds." (Parent)
"I can't put it into words. The difference in my child since coming to this school is unbelievable." (Parent)
"My child's writing has really improved and the sentences are so much better." (Parent)
"My child loves it here and has all the support he needs to feel more confident." (Parent)
"I can't believe the difference after two weeks. Thank you for all your support. (Parent)
"The Pupil Profiles give us all the information we need about a child." (Andy Atkinson, SEND Caseworker)
"Targets on the SEN Support Plans are appropriate." (Wendy Boyes, SENCO Advisor)
"There are small proportions of pupils who are disabled or have special educational needs. They are very well supported because their needs are identified early and staff respond quickly to provide necessary support. These pupils make good progress in line with others in the school." (OFSTED 2015)
How can I give feedback?
There are termly meetings between our SENCO and SEND Governor. At least twice a year part of this meeting is a discussion with the Children's Council about SEND in St Francis'.
We receive regular feedback from parents of children with SEND at during termly parents progress meetings, SEND reviews and through informal discussions when parents are in school. In addition we try to get questionnaire feedback from parents/carers, often this is during a school event.
If you have any feedback you would like to give us please either contact the school office or e-mail us on
Pupil Voice
In our school we encourage children to take responsibility and to make decisions. This is part of the culture of our school and relates to children of all ages. St Francis' recognises the importance of children developing social as well as educational skills. Children are involved at an appropriate level in setting targets and outcomes in their SEND Support / EHC Plans and in regular review meetings.
Children are encouraged to make judgements about their own performance against their personal targets/outcomes. We recognise success here as we do in any other aspect of school life. Teachers/SENDCo and Support Staff will work with children and young people to identify the support needed to meet agreed outcomes. The provision is planned and interventions are allocated to individual needs. The children take an active role, whenever possible with setting and reviewing their targets.
Parent / Carer Voice
We are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs and support. We will take the necessary steps to arrange meetings with parents and carers to ensure they are involved throughout the process. The school works closely with parents/carers in the support of those children with special educational needs and disabilities.
We encourage an active partnership through an ongoing dialogue with parents/carers. The home-school agreement is central to this. Parents/carers have much to contribute to our support for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers agree SEN Support plan outcomes with parents. The school SENDCo liaises with parents/carers. Meetings can also be arranged during the year if required. Our School Positive Futures Worker (Mrs Warwick) also provides support for parents and appointments can be booked with her or you can attend her coffee mornings.
St Francis' SEND Information Report and St Francis' Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy clearly state in greater detail how this policy translates into practice and the arrangements made for supporting special needs and disabilities in our school.
The designated member of the governing body to monitor provision for pupils with identified needs is Mr David Bowes. He meets at least termly, with the SENDCo to monitor whole school provision and is always willing to talk to parents/carers.
We have regular meetings each term to share the progress of special needs children with their parents/carers. We endeavour to inform the parents/carers of any additional intervention, and the process of decision-making by providing clear information relating to the education of children with special educational needs.
Additionally parents/carers are invited to attend termly progress meetings with the class teacher and discuss SEND Support Plans to review progress and discuss new outcomes. Any issues can be discussed with the SENDCo when they arise. They also have the opportunity to speak with support staff and to comment upon and sign documentation.