Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Come and meet the staff at our school!
Staff Responsibilities
Mrs. Lakey - Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENCO, Thrive Licensed Practitioner, Nurture Coordinator, Collective Worship Coordinator, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Curriculum Coordinator, Careers Curriculum Coordinator and International schools coordinator.
Mrs. Pickett - Deputy Headteacher, Y5/6 Team Leader, Year 3 Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour Lead, Maths Coordinator, RE Coordinator, Music Coordinator
Miss Hockaday - Business Manager, Health and Safety Coordinator (0.4)
Mrs Warwick- Positive Futures Worker,
Mrs Longstaff - School Administrator
Miss Cooper - Year 6 Teacher, English / History / Geography / P4C Coordinator
Mrs. Nixon - Year 5 Teacher, Science / Art / DT / Languages Coordinator
Miss Bass - Year 4 Teacher, Computing / PE / Children's Council Coordinator
Mrs. Roche - Support Team Leader, HLTA, Anti-bullying / RSE / Early Reading and Phonics Ambassador
Miss Fahey - HLTA, Medicines in School, Lead First Aider, PE / French Ambassador
Mrs. Stanwix - HLTA, Forest School / Healthy Schools Coordinator, Reading Ambassador
Mrs. Wright - Enhanced Teaching Assistant, Rights Respecting School and P4C Ambassador
Mrs. Walker - Caretaker and Cleaning Team Leader
Mrs. Bell - Cleaner
Mrs. Forster - Cleaner
Miss Walker - Lunchtime Supervisor
Durham Music Service provide weekly music tuition.
Miss Leggett - Brass teacher
Mr Wynd - Percussion teacher
Mrs Peacock - Singing teacher