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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


Children learn best when they are happy and confident. At St Francis' we continually work on positive feelings of self-confidence, a sense of belonging and self-worth in children. Once they have these feelings, learning comes much easier for them.


Through using the approaches from Success Zone Classrooms, Rights Respecting Schools, Growth Mind-Set, Philosophy 4 Children and mental health support from Trailblazer, staff and pupils are enabled to help each other grow and develop into confident, successful individuals. This involves building up children’s confidence and resilience to allow them to become the best they can be, improving attendance in school and working with families to provide the best possible outcomes for their children. 


Some pupils may need more support than others. Miss Mason, our Positive Futures Worker is key in providing this support for children and families, either herself or by signposting families to the wealth of voluntary organisations and services we work in partnership with. 


More information on mindfulness and wellbeing can be found in other areas of the website, by clicking on the links below. 

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