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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


On Tuesday we went, as a school, to South Shields and then the  Sage. We hoped for sunshine for the beach and clear skies for the Sage. Unfortunately we didn't get either - but that didn't stop us from having a brilliant day out! The day started with a feat never before accomplished (to my knowledge!) before - we had two buses in the carpark alongside all the staff cars. The drivers were highly skilled to be able to do this - normally 10 cars is the maximum!


Mrs Pickett kep checking her BBC weather app, but it just confirmed what we already feared - it was going to be wet. The ride up the A1 was - wet. The ride out to South Shields was - wet. And at the beach? It looked like a mini tropical storm was raging!


This did not dampen spirits however. We all trotted (???) towards the toilets via the amusements. Everyone was wet and cold - but then a mini miracle occurred when the owner of Quasar Amusements welcomed us into her arcade for packed lunch. Admittedly she thought there was one class- not 120 children, but this didn't stop her helping us in a very soggy situation. The children were brilliant and even gave a rendition of "Let it Go" by way of thanks before we left.


Then we drove the few miles to the Sage. Men and women in high vis jackets ushered us around the builing, then we paused whilst the 3rd level (where our school was) was cleared. The children were all amazed when they entered - a beautiful arena, live band playing and lots of spotlights too. At 1.15 precisely the event began - our children were magnificent, singing was loud, excited and fabulous. Not one child sat and watched - everyone joined in and danced away the next hour . Undoubtedly one of the many highlights was the whole of the back left section of the Sage giving a soulful rendition of "Skyfall" with all the artistic moves!!! As one child put it, "This has been the best day ever- I loved it."  A great day out; great children, wonderful helpers and staff, the best location. Thank you everyone!!

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