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As you may remember, I asked parents what they thought of the school during the latter half of the summer term 2011 so that we could work together to help make the school an even better place to be educated in. Thank you very much to the 39 parents who responded to my questionnaire, and for your honest appraisal of everything we are trying to do.
It was really pleasing to note that all 39 replies either agreed or strongly agreed that "My child enjoys school." We are trying to build on previous successes by ensuring that our curriculum is closely matched to the needs and interests of our children and is lively and engaging in every way possible. Other particularly strong areas were our high expectations for children and that you believe your child(ren) is/are making good progress in school. Some parents (6 out of 39, or 15%) said that they would like to see a greater range of trips for children to go on. We appreciate that outdoor, external learning is vitally important to add breadth and depth to learning and will endeavour to make sure that all children in St Francis' do have the opportunity to access these important learning experiences during the next year. Eight parents (13%) felt that children needed more preparation for the future- we have included this in our School Development plan and hope to work with outside agencies to run a "Believe and Achieve" day where children can clearly see what they need to do in order to prepare effectively for their futures, and also work alongside the "Young Enterprise" team to broaden children's horizons.
Your views are vitally important to us and if you have any concerns throughout this school year please do come and have a chat to me about them. Thanks once again for your help,
Jane Wilkinson