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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.

Deepen your learning with interactive videos and games

Many of you have been asking for websites with games on which will help you deepen your learning using tablets, netbooks, laptops and computers. So here it is!

We have subscribed to Espresso and today you should have brought home a business card the Year 5's have made telling you the website, user name and password. (There are more in my room if you need them.)

You can either follow the link on your class pages or type in the website. Remember to add it to your favourites.

I can't wait to see what you have been learning about. So please bring some of your work in to show me or e-mail a copy of the screen to


Mrs Lakey

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