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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"Let your light shine bright"

Our latest Ofsted report has been punblished please follow the link in Key Informtion / Ofsted and Performance Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.

Children's Council Talent Show a Roaring Success

St Francis' hosted a talent show today along the lines of Britain's Got Talent. The whole show had been designed and organised by the Children's Council as a fundraising assembly for Children in Need.


Eight acts had been shortlisted for the final show by the Children's Council and the house team children. Acts included musicians, singers, footballers and dancers.


There was a large audience made up of friends and family as well as the rest of the school. The acts entered the hall nervously as they realised the size of the audience.


All the acts performed very confidently. Jennie sang with so much emotion that Mrs Grey to reach for a whole box of tissues.  Next Ella Grace sang beautifully and even managed to make Emma feel festive! Amy bent her body in ways totally unimaginable during her dance and was followed by Elaine who sang with clarity and confidence demonstrating the wide range in her voice. Tony-Alan and Connor amazed us with their confidence to sing, rap and dance and we can't wait to hear more from them. Next up was Demi-Leigh who sang a capella - we know how hard that is after watching X-Factor! After that Alfie and Robert showed us some football skills and to everyone's amazement, danced in hold around the hall together! Finally Michael took to the stage with his Melodica and played a fantastic tune.


All the children made it really hard for the judges and we deliberated for a while before reaching our decision. Third place went to Michael for his musical flare. Second was awarded to Amy for her daredevil dancing. First place went to Jennie for bringing the house down and causing floods of tears with her emotional singing.


A special than you needs to go to the two presenters Taylor and AJ who kept the show running, supported the acts and made us all giggle.


It is fantastic to see the Children's Council organising events for their friends and I know they will want to thank Mrs Ball for the break times she has spent helping them to get everything ready.

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