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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"To be the best we can be"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


  • Silver Medalist Visits School

    Thu 06 Jul 2017 Lisa Fahey
    Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Stephanie Inglis who was a Silver Medal winner in the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014, as well as many Gold, Silver and Bronze medals throughout her career as a Judo competitor.  Stephanie shared her life story with us and inspired children and staff with her stories of success and hard work.  The afternoon was finished with all children taking part in a training circuit which was enjoyed by all.  Children raised almost £500 which will help athletes like Stephanie to follow their dreams and aspirations.  Thank you to all parents, carers and families for their support in this event. 
  • SchoolCal

    Fri 30 Jun 2017
    Children have this week brought home a letter regarding the school's changeover to SchoolCal for sharing news, information and updates with parents.  Please make sure your child has given you a copy of this letter

    Fri 26 May 2017 JRW

    I am delighted to be able to announce that the school now has an "app" (available on the Apple App Site or Google Play, dependant upon device) We are still busy populating the site and would really like you to be involved in further developments. Could you please complete the short survey therefore; it will only take a few seconds but we will know which areas of the app you would use the most from your responses. If you simply search for "St Francis Juniors" you should be able to find it- the dove logosmiley will give it away!

  • WELL DONE Y6!!

    Wed 17 May 2017 jrw

    I would just like to say a huge "thank you" to all our Y6 children for the brilliant way they have applied themselves over the course of the last academic year. They have worked with enthusiasm and determination, and I was very proud, as were all the Y5/6 Team, of the way they approached last weeks tests.


    As we always say, we just want our children to "be the best they can be," and last week showed just how dedicated and special they really are. Thank you all for your unfailing support for the children; without your help with homework, early nights and understanding we would not be as successful as we are. Well done everyone!!smiley

  • Fidget Spinners

    Thu 04 May 2017 JRW

    As you may be aware, the latest "craze" for children is "Fidget Spinners" and the item has even made national news. They are not appropriate items for children to have in school, as their use causes disruption to learning. Please can you therefore ensure that these and other items such as mini finger skateboards do not come into school as they will be confiscated and will need to be collected from the main office at the end of the day.

    Thank you

  • The Big Sing

    Fri 24 Mar 2017 J Wilkinson
    I attended training yesterday at the Sage in Newcastle as part of the preparations for this years "Big Sing" event. There are a range of "Showstoppper" songs on the list, including Skyfall, Let it Go, The Circle of Life...the list goes on! We had a lovely session this morning remembering our last visit to the event in 2015. Seems like yesterday! We will be polishing up our singing skills so that we really do shine on the day (4th July) .

    Wed 08 Mar 2017 L Lakey


    We know that many children are using social media when ‘officially’ they are too young to sign up to the sites – we know because they tell us!
    Lots of them say that Mums and Dads have signed them up – sometimes years ago. There’s nothing illegal in that, but please keep in mind that if you signed your 8 year old up to Facebook five years ago, saying they were 13 years old – they now appear as an 18 year old on the site.
    If an adult tries to groom your now 13 year old via social media, they will be able to argue that they thought they were talking to another adult. Remember to update their details, check their privacy settings, and talk to them about which pictures they use for their profile, so they’re safe online. Thank you.

  • POP UK

    Thu 16 Feb 2017

    The link to download all the songs from last nights sell out concert is ....



    Thank you

    Mrs W

  • POP UK arrives in St Francis!!!

    Mon 06 Feb 2017 MrsW
    smileyPOP UK arrived in school this morning with the usual mix of "feel good" songs. All the children have had a fabulous day, learning three of the seven songs they will perform for the CD and Concert at Greenfield next week. There were some very enthusiastic dance performances and the singing coach, Mr Silver is greatly impressed so far.
  • Autumn 2 Awards

    Thu 15 Dec 2016 Mrs Lakey

    Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating the Outstanding Pupil Awards today.


    We also had a record number of children gaining 100% attendance this term - 29% of the school!


    Also, a very impressive 62% of the school have attendance over 97%. Thank you again for all your support and encouragement.

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