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St Francis Church of England Aided Junior School

"To be the best we can be"

Click on NEWS above (NEWSLETTERS below on phones) for the latest updates from school including what we have been learning, achievements, routines and dates for your diary. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Lakey and your St Francis' family.


  • 11 Children Graduated from the University of Durham

    Tue 22 Sep 2015 Mrs Lakey

    Proud does not even describe how I felt today seeing 11 of our Y6 students graduate!


    The have been taking part in a University style maths module for the last 6 months as part of the Brilliant Club Program. They began, back in April, with a day at Collingwood College, where they learnt about University opportunities and met their tutor Katie.  Katie then taught the children in weekly tutorials and they had a group study session every Friday. 


    Their module was based on investigating who came up with Pythagoras' Theorem and then reporting their views in a 1500 word assignment.


    All children completed the work well and enjoyed learning through tutorials and study sessions. I think that throughout the program they have all realised that by broadening their horizons they can achieve things they thought were far too hard for them.


    Today they celebrated their success with family and friends,  alongside Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 pupils. Hopefully,  the children will use this opportunity as a chance to truly realise that they have bags of potential and that they need to use every opportunity available to them to help the realise their personal dreams and aspirations.



  • 3SIXTY Stunt Team Treat

    Fri 18 Sep 2015

    We were third in the 2014/5 Megamotion Campaign. Over 6000 children from South Durham and Darlington Schools competed by trying to use a healthier way of getting to school.  This shows what a brilliant effort all our families put into health transport to school. 


    The whole school watched the amazing tricks in the playground alongside the Horndale Year 2 children. "It was awesome, amazing and brilliant!" Said Dean Y3/4. "It was tremendously awesome!" Macie in Y2 added. 


    Megamotion starts again on the 9th October, so keep walking, scooting, cycling and park and striding! 


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